Friday, May 23, 2014

Healthy Me! paricipant Bob Vale tackles his Type 2 Diabetes

When I called Bob Vale to explain that he had been chosen for the Healthy Me! Program and I explained that in order for him to receive the tools to become healthier, he would have to agree to having his story told online and in the newspaper with information on his weight and his health, his comment was, “that’s fine, I’m a pastor and I’m pretty much in a fishbowl.”

As I get to know Bob a little better each time we meet, I seem to always recall that statement. He seems to run into people wherever he goes, but I guess that comes with leading a congregation. Little did I know when he was chosen, that he had the ability to reach so many people and tell his story about his battle with Diabetes and his continued commitment to learn about his disease and to conquer it. He hadn’t mentioned he was a pastor in his essay for Healthy Me! only that he was a Desert Storm veteran.

About two years ago, he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and he began learning how to control his diet and to exercise more. He lost an initial 30 pounds but has somewhat plateaued since then.  At the one month point of the Healthy Me! Program, he had lost an additional 10 pounds. 

More importantly, he is learning more about proper nutrition during his meetings with Erin Hurst, Registered Dietitian at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center.  She is teaching him about portion control, meal planning and eliminating large amounts of Diet Coke from his diet.

Time of meals is also something being addressed by Erin.  Before he started the program, Bob would typically work out in the morning and not eat until lunch time, followed by a snack or two in the afternoon and a large meal around 8 or 9pm.  By saving calories for later in the evening, he was only fueling his body for sleep.  Yet, in the morning after he worked out, he wasn’t replenishing any calories in his body or fueling himself for the rest of the day. 

About 3-4 mornings each week Bob meets some friends to play racquetball at the YMCA and after they play they enjoy spending some time at McDonalds. Erin encouraged him to order an oatmeal and to drink water instead of 2-3 large Diet Cokes. He also supplements his breakfast with two hard boiled eggs to add a little protein to his meal.

She also encouraged him to plan his plate during meals and fill half the plate with non-starchy vegetables.  Learning portion sizes has been an awakening moment for Bob, as he learned that a portion of meat is the size of his wife’s palm, not his or bigger! I have to say, it did make me laugh when his comeback was, “I should have married a wife with bigger hands!”

Bob has continued to work out with Jonell at Memorial Health & Lifestyle Center and while he is quite a contender on the racquetball court and in the swimming pool, he has found his challenges with planks and squats. 

It’s an on-going learning process, and Bob is taking advantage of all that The Medical Foundation and its partners are offering through the Healthy Me! Program.

To learn more about Deborah Gordon’s experiences during the last month, check back for a blog about here next week.

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