Friday, June 27, 2014

Take the Test; Take Control

Did you know that Friday, June 27th is National HIV testing day?

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is urging people to “Take the Test; Take Control.” According to the CDC, black women, more than any other women in the United States are getting HIV. Of all the women in the United States, 66% are African American and 87% of these women got HIV from unprotected sex with a man. 

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) occurs when the body is unable to clear the virus as it does with common flu viruses.  Once you get HIV, you have it for life, because it attacks your CD4 cells or T-cells.  These cells are responsible for helping the body fight against disease and infection. Once HIV weakens and destroys your cells, it weakens the immune system. 

Without treatment, a person with HIV can develop Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).  AIDS is the final stage of HIV. 

How do you get HIV?

Having unprotected sex is the number one way that women get HIV.  The truth about unprotected sex is that if you have had unprotected sex (anal, vaginal or oral) you may be at risk for HIV. 

You can also acquire HIV by sharing needles, syringes, or other injection equipment with someone who is HIV positive. 

HIV can also be spread through pregnancy from the mother to the baby during birth or through breastfeeding. 

Why is it important to be tested for HIV?

Finding out that you are HIV positive can help you live longer if it is caught early.  Remember, you can screen positive for HIV and feel perfectly healthy.  Treatments are available if the HIV is detected early and can help you live a longer, healthier life.

If you know that you are HIV positive, you will be able to look out for yourself and those you love.

Finally, it’s fast, easy and confidential!

What does the HIV test screen?

The test measures the antibodies, special proteins in the body.  Most people will show affected antibodies in 2-8 weeks after exposure, but for some it takes longer.  The CDC recommends that if you lead a lifestyle that may put you at risk, that you get tested every three months.

If you would like to be tested, The Medical Foundation offers HIV testing at all of our locations.  To view a list of our hours and locations click here.  An appointment is not necessary. Take the Test; Take Control.

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