Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day signals decrease in summer donations at the Foundation

Memorial Day for many people means a three day weekend, cookouts with family members, and the beginning of warm, sunny days to come.
Unfortunately, at the South Bend Medical Foundation, it signals a time when we need to ramp up donations because the need for blood increases while the supply of blood decreases. Donors are outside enjoying the longer days or on vacation causing our inventory between Memorial Day and Labor Day to become scarce.  During this time, there is usually an increase in the need of blood because people are more active and more accidents, heart attacks and surgeries occur.
If you have never donated blood, here is a summary of the process.  South Bend Medical Foundation offers three types with the most common type, whole blood, described below. This is the type that is most common at blood drives and for first time donors. The donor registers and is given a sheet with medical questions to fill out. This “donor history form” is used to screen patients based on lifestyle choices. 
Following the confidential screening process, donors are then given a mini physical which includes blood pressure, pulse, hematocrit and temperature.  Once the donor is done screening, it’s time to donate!
A phlebotomist will scrub the area of your arm and will determine which vein will work the best for drawing. After a little preparation time, it will only take between about 4 and 7 minutes for most donors to give a pint of blood. Your arm will be wrapped and now it’s time for juice and cookies.
We ask that donors stay in the post donation area for about 10 minutes to be sure you are feeling alright. It’s as simple as that! With that 45-60 minute time frame, you have potentially saved three lives.
Make an appointment to donate blood at South Bend Medical Foundation 574.234.1157 or online at www.givebloodnow.com

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